Église Nouvelle Alliance
As member of the church, I help provide to the marketing venues of any events and withstand the branding throughout the bulletins and the website with monthly updates as well as other the printed media for the soul purpose of bringing people to Christ and join the fellowship.
MISSION OUTAOUAIS exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ like in the Book of Acts among those who are unreached.
MISSION OUTAOUAIS existe pour faire disciples de Jésus-Christ comme dans le livre des Actes
parmi ceux qui ne sont pas atteints.
Vision ANChored
My husband & I are the proud owners of an online store, where we create unique & authentic home-decor items with a Nautical inspired theme. Each piece is handcrafted with love and great care. We call them treasures, which can be found from our ship's cargo. As you can tell, this Nautical theme hasn't left us ever since our wedding...
(See ANCHORED - ⚓)
Un grand voilier est ce que Jésus nous a donner pour enfin pourvoir larguer les amares de la rive où ont a longé sans l'un de l'autre trop longtemps... Alors voilà, a notre tour, on vous fait de belles vagues
~~~ d'amour!
A tall ship is what Jesus gave us to finally provide to cast off the moorings on the shore where we have sailed without one another for too long ... So here we are, in our turn, we make you beautiful waves ~~~ of love!
Le Garde-Manger Buadèsien
Une femme dévoué à l'art culinaire, boulangère et conquetteuse de merveilleux produits fait maison. Elle donne envie de gouter et de tout essayer dans son garde manger...
A woman devoted to the art of cooking, baking and making wonderful homemade products. She makes you want to taste and try everything in her pantry ...
Melly's Art Studio
This one is a Branding made for my twin sister. She started her shop on Etsy recently and makes such beautiful Watercolor Journals - also makes beautiful watercolor paintings as well! A very talented women in her craft and is reaching a very selected audience.
The People of God Gospel Ministry
This ministry encourages people from all walks of life to come and be blessed. All are welcome to either; become part of our ministry or join us their endeavor as they go out and share the Gospel. The POGGM is there for all who seek after the truth or simply need help in their daily walk. There are only blessings in store for all who knocks at the door of our Lord.
Living For Christ
For 9 years, working alongside Director Bishop Robert Burnett, Jr in Memphis TN, USA, at Living For Christ Ministries was truly an honor and not for the faint hearted. Under one ministry, I am the initiate for the branding of the 5 branches of the ministry, also creative director for all promotional productions in printing, photography, videography, and other digital media. This, while fulfilling the co-ordination for every events, fundraising, celebrations and up-keeps and supervising the in-house staff team for the daily duties of the shelter.
The experience acquired by being assistant-director and the qualifications I would bring, by including my expertise in another company, are of great skills to accomplish what is required and beyond with order and leadership. The ability of multitasking and establishing organized procedures were quite essential while my role consisted of overseeing many areas of the ministry, but the sole purpose of my position was indeed to develop marketing strategies including full management of each production, independently or with colleagues to better the living of the less fortunate people that came to live there, on every levels.